I have following .htaccess file

DirectoryIndex index.php
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^$ index.php [QSA,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
<ifModule mod_php5.c>
    php_flag display_errors Off

My code is work fine using Apache. But now I'm using Nginx, here are my conf

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name example.com;
    root /srv/www/example.com/public_html;
    access_log /srv/www/example.com/logs/access.log;
    error_log /srv/www/example.com/logs/error.log;
    server_tokens off;
    if (!-e $request_filename) {
        rewrite ^(.*)$ index.php last;
    location / {
        index index.php;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /srv/www/example.com/public_html$fastcgi_script_name;

But my code is not work, please help


3 Answers 3


The simple answer is that rewrite directives are not the same in apache as in nginx.

Have a look at the nginx rewrite documentation: http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpRewriteModule

Fortunately, the nginx HttpRewriteModule is quite easy to get your head around, in terms of building rewrite logic, compared to mod_rewrite rules that some people find to be black magic


first you should really avoid using if on nginx. Search for ifIsEvil on nginx wiki.

Then you do not need nginx rexrite for such a simple thing as serving directory, existing files and at last index.php. A simple try_files will do the job. Read nginx FAQ and search for try_file.

check this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8199797/convert-this-apache-rewrite-to-nginx-rules/8200728#8200728


If I'm correct, you have a Zend/some other framework bootstrapper. In that case, use this config:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name example.com;
    root /srv/www/example.com/public_html;
    access_log /srv/www/example.com/logs/access.log;
    error_log /srv/www/example.com/logs/error.log;
    server_tokens off;

    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

    location = /index.php {
        include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /srv/www/example.com/public_html$fastcgi_script_name;


server {
    listen 80;
    server_name example.com;
    root /srv/www/example.com/public_html;
    access_log /srv/www/example.com/logs/access.log;
    error_log /srv/www/example.com/logs/error.log;
    server_tokens off;

    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /srv/www/example.com/public_html$fastcgi_script_name;

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