I want to send log files matching date format, e.g. YYYY-MM-DD-*.log as attachments in Perl script. In BASH, this can be easily done by:

[ -f $DIR/explog/$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")-*-host1.log ] && mutt -s "subject here" \
-a $DIR/explog/$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")-*-host1.log [email protected] </dev/null

For some reason, I need to do this in Perl script. Main part of the Perl script is as below, I want to add log files in the emails. Any idea?

BTW, this Perl script is called as a email alert from BASH shell script, so if there is any method to pass files to perl script e.g. /usr/bin/perl $DIR/emailAlert.pl file1.log file2.log would serve the purpose. Please advise, thanks.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use MIME::Lite;

$msg = MIME::Lite->new( 
    From => 'sender\@example.com', 
    To => 'recipient\@example.com', 
    Subject => 'subject here', 
    Type => 'multipart/mixed'

    Type    => "text/plain",
    Path    => $tmpMsg,
    Filename    => $tmpMsg,
    Disposition => "attachment"

$msg->send('smtp', 'mailserver.example.com', Timeout => 60);

1 Answer 1


You can use arguments in statements like $log1 = $ARGV[0] and $log2 = $ARGV[1] and assign them in your $msg->attach section. You can use it like this:

    while (@ARGV) {  
            'Type' => 'text/plain',  
            'Path' => shift @ARGV
  • Great! Exactly what I want.
    – Andrew
    Mar 30, 2012 at 9:00

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