I would need to install the mysqlnd driver for php, however am using a cPanel server and have to use easy apache.

I have set up raw-opts for


however I am getting the error:

mysql_config not found

Has anyone had any success getting mysqlnd installed on cpanel, for php 5.3?

  • 1
    Start here. Dec 12, 2012 at 21:57
  • @MichaelHampton thanks for the response, I have read through all the posts i've been able to find on mysqlnd, both through support and cpanels community forums; the raw-opts were the only documented thing I have been able to find. Other posts appear to say it is possible but not supported, however the most recent post was a year ago, asking basically the same question, but getting no response.
    – MCannon
    Dec 12, 2012 at 22:04

1 Answer 1


You will need the mysql_config program, which should have come with your MySQL installation.

If that program is not available you will have to check/reinstall the MySQL packages, or rebuild MySQL from source and ensure that the mysql_config program is installed somewhere where the PHP installer can find it.

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