How can I fix this ugly output for "npm ls"?

enter image description here

Debian Wheezy / node v0.10.36 / npm 2.4.1


«*» - is an ugly char, that I can not reproduce here:

[email protected] /var/www/helloworld
  *** [email protected]
  *** [email protected]
    ***** [email protected]
    ***** [email protected]
      ****** [email protected]
  • Instead of linking to an image, please include the text of the output in your post. Then the post will still be useful in future when the image goes away. If there are characters that you can't reproduce, put something in their place and tell us what happened. Feb 3, 2015 at 9:40
  • @AndrewSchulman Generally yes, but sometimes (like here) that's just not possible. Feb 3, 2015 at 14:43

1 Answer 1


I have changed Putty encoding to UTF-8 and the problem was solved.

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