I am working on a script that takes a powershell variable and uses it in a script block running the net command.

Here is the code:

$User = "domain\user"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock { net localgroup administrators $User /add } -Credential $cred

When I run it, this is the error message I get:

The group already exists.
+ CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (The group already exists.:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
+ PSComputerName        : GMCR77569

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2223.

So it appears that the net command is trying to create the administrators group. I haven't found much on Google for that.

Also, I am using Invoke-Command because I need to be able to pass credentials.

I am sure this is something simple, but I cannot figure it out. Thank you in advance!

1 Answer 1


Because you are invoking a remote command, the script portion is trying to resolve the $User variable in the remote session. If you want to pass a variable, then you could modify your Invoke-Command with the -Args parameter. I think something like the following should work:

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock { net localgroup administrators $args[0] /add } -Credential $cred -Args $User

This PowerShell Blog article does a good job explaining things and gives some other ways you could resolve your issue.


  • Awesome! Thank you very much. I should have realized the remote PC would be trying to resolve $User and not have any luck doing so. It's working great! Upvote and marked as answer!
    – Drew
    Feb 18, 2016 at 17:18

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