I have a setup running AuthDatabse configuration. All works fine from a webmail side, but if I want to use doveadm to change the user password, the database is not affected.

Any clue?

1 Answer 1


doveadm cannot be used to change user passwords, you have to do this through some other system.

  • doveadm user can only look up user information
  • doveadm auth can be used to verify credentials
  • doveadm pw calculates password hashes for different schemes, but does not apply any changes

doveadm pw -u [username] is only used and required for Digest-MD5:

-u user

When the DIGEST-MD5 scheme is used, also the user name must be given, because the user name is a part of the generated hash. For more information about Digest-MD5 please read also: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Authentication/Mechanisms/DigestMD5

  • Thanks for explanation. My knowledge regarding password reset was based on that serverfault.com/questions/357053/… Sep 23, 2016 at 12:37
  • 1
    This question was only about "convert[ing] plain text password to CRYPT encrypted format", not actually setting the passphrase.
    – Jens Erat
    Sep 23, 2016 at 12:40
  • Is there some command out there that actually edits the dovecot users file or do I need to roll my own script to do this? htpasswd doesn't cut it, it doesn't use the same crypt doveadm uses and the lines don't seem to be the same format to me. Feb 7, 2021 at 20:59

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