Is there any way to disable the need to run in an elevated context for a powershell script? Anything goes.

I am setting up a test environment and during some of the tests I must reconfigure parts of the OS (notably: an IIS instance) - and windows keeps asking to run the script from an elevated process.

Those are test machines. As such, "anything goes", including turning off UAC - which I did, but PowerShell still asks.

  • Did you reboot after turning off UAC? Feb 4, 2017 at 22:09
  • 2
    If anything goes, why don't you use the Administrator account to log on, or just open one elevated PowerShell session and start all your tests from there. Feb 6, 2017 at 1:13
  • If you are asking if you can start a non-elevated PowerShell window and then run programs that require elevation without provoking the UAC prompt, then the answer is no. I recommend doing what @PeterHahndorf suggested - just open a PowerShell window that's already elevated (answer UAC prompt just once) and do what you need to do there. Feb 14, 2017 at 23:49

2 Answers 2


You can try setup enviropment variable __COMPAT_LAYER to value RUNASINVOKER before script runs - it may prevent elevation request if it realy not needed. This elevation request suppression method described in this blog post, and it's work for me in some cases.


Have you tried disabling the "User Account Control: Turn on Admin Approval Mode" policy setting?

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