I want to download this site with wget, and to do this I'm using this command:

wget.exe --no-clobber --no-parent -r --convert-links --page-requisites -U Mozilla "http://www.s-manuals.com/smd/"

That's ok for me, but the linked PDF files are located in a folder in the same level of my URL example:


So I need to download the /pdf/ folder too. The issue is that if its in the same level dir the --no-parent options avoid this dir, but if I remove the --no-parent the entire site is going to be downloaded, so I'm wondering if there is a option that allow me to download only these 2 folders?

1 Answer 1


You can use the --include option instead of --no-parent to specify particular directories to be included in the download:

wget.exe --no-clobber -I /smd,/pdf -r --convert-links --page-requisites -U Mozilla "http://www.s-manuals.com/smd/"

See the documentation for directory-based limits for more details.

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