I have a server with many chroots, each one used by a different group of users. Most of them use Jupyter Notebooks that store variables in memory for as long the notebooks remain open. The output of free -h is the following;

|                   | total | used | free | shared | buffers | cached |
| memory            | 70G   | 65G  | 5.8G | 35G    | 25M     | 36G    |
| -/+ buffers/cache |       | 29G  | 41G  |        |         |        |
| cache             | 3.7G  | 3.7G |      |        |         |        |
  1. I cannot clean the cache using sync; echo 1 > /sys/proc/vm/drop_caches. Why?

  2. Users in other chroots cannot used memory occupied by cache. Is there a reason for this?

  • What operating system is this? Feb 27, 2018 at 16:49
  • Debian 8.6 Jessie
    – marlanbar
    Feb 27, 2018 at 17:52


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