jq '.issues[].fields.subtasks[].fields | .issuetype.subtask' 1.json

works as expected (getting "true" as output) when trying to put command above as variable

for custom_field in `cat 1.json | jq .issues[].fields.subtasks[].fields | .issuetype.subtask`; do
      echo $customfield


issuetype.subtask: command not found

1 Answer 1


Try this :

for custom_field in $(
    jq '.issues[].fields.subtasks[].fields | .issuetype.subtask' 1.json
); do
      echo "$customfield"

Or better with a while loop if you have values with spaces :

while IFS= read -r customfield; do
    echo "$customfield"
done < <(jq '.issues[].fields.subtasks[].fields | .issuetype.subtask' 1.json)

Note :

  • you need to 'quote' the expression
  • jq can read file by itself, no need cat
  • stop using backticks ` in 2018 please use $( )
  • < <( ) is a bash-only feature, not available in other shells (or even in bash when it's invoked as sh). So start your script with a bash shebang #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash and don't override that by running the script with the sh command
  • 1
    Note that <( ) is a bash-only feature, not available in other shells (or even in bash when it's invoked as sh). So start your script with a bash shebang (#!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash) and don't override that by running the script with the sh command. Mar 7, 2018 at 7:33

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