This would be similar to AWS Cloudfront which can use a certificate that is generated by AWS for you.

Is there anything like that here?

This would be mostly for cost or ease of use reasons.

2 Answers 2


Load balancers now support GCP managed certificates that are similar to those used by App Engine (Lets Encrypt certificates). The feature is tagged as beta until the end of 2019.


Currently, Google Cloud Platform allows generating a self-signed SSL certificate for testing purposes only, see this link, however, for production purposes you should get real certificate from a Certificate Authority.

The possibility to have this feature in GCP similar to AWS Certificate Manager will be launched in a near future, even though there is no Estimated time of arrival for the moment. The evolution of this feature request can be tracked here.

  • FYI this is there now, we were able to spin up a LB with a Google Managed Certificate Oct 11, 2018 at 8:32

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