htop picture

I have 0 slow queries in the log, tried with different my.cnf configurations. Can't see what's the problem. 8 cpu server, 32GB ram, ssd, dedicated mysql server. All cpus > 100%, it's starts slowly, works perfect in the first 15-30 minutes then it goes crazy. High load without reason.

After upgrade i did mysql_upgrade and everything looked ok. Now running 8.0.13 and almost all my tables are MyISAM

[my.cnf] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password sql-mode="" character-set-server=utf8 default-storage-engine = MyISAM wait-timeout=300 long_query_time = 1 slow-query-log = 1 slow-query-log-file = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-slow.log long-query-time = 1 skip_name_resolve = 1 general_log = 0 query_prealloc_size=32K # from default to avoid RAM acquisition all day query_alloc_block_size=32K # from default to manage larger blocks innodb_buffer_pool_size=10G # from 128M to reduce innodb_buffer_pool_reads innodb_lru_scan_depth=128 # from 1024 per REFMAN when ibp_instances=8 expire_logs_days=5 # from 0 for limited historical error,general,slow logs slow_query_log=ON # from OFF to allow awareness of ~ 2000 in 76 days, for improvement of queries thread_cache_size=100 # from 12 to reduce threads_created 353K max_connections=200 # from 400 for max_used_connections 56 x ~ 4 innodb_io_capacity=1000 # from 200 to open the door wider innodb_change_buffer_max_size=10 # from 25% to reduce set aside for CHGS, etc max_write_lock_count=16 # from HUGE number to allow RD after nn lcks join_buffer_size=128M # from 4096 for join capacity increase sort_buffer_size=2M # from 256K to reduce sort_merge_passes ~ 1m updatable_views_with_limit=NO # from YES to reduce handler_external_lock cnt open_files_limit = 32000 table_open_cache = 2000 read_rnd_buffer_size = 2M key-buffer-size=64M

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%buffer%' bulk_insert_buffer_size 8388608 innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size 134217728
innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown ON
innodb_buffer_pool_dump_now OFF innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct 25
innodb_buffer_pool_filename ib_buffer_pool
innodb_buffer_pool_instances 8
innodb_buffer_pool_load_abort OFF innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup ON
innodb_buffer_pool_load_now OFF innodb_buffer_pool_size 10737418240 innodb_change_buffer_max_size 10
innodb_change_buffering all innodb_log_buffer_size 16777216
innodb_sort_buffer_size 1048576 join_buffer_size 134217728
key_buffer_size 67108864
myisam_sort_buffer_size 8388608 net_buffer_length 16384
preload_buffer_size 32768
read_buffer_size 131072
read_rnd_buffer_size 2097152 sort_buffer_size 2097152 sql_buffer_result OFF

  • What did you see in innotop? Dec 11, 2018 at 13:15
  • 1
    Nothing serious i.imgur.com/6Y9Al4il.jpg
    – maxshop
    Dec 11, 2018 at 13:54
  • 1
    also htop i.imgur.com/CgEuxWV.jpg
    – maxshop
    Dec 11, 2018 at 13:55
  • Look at the rest of the data in innotop. You should be able to find something useful. Dec 11, 2018 at 14:57
  • 1
    Solved the issue. Did a dump, installed a fresh mysql 8.0 and then imported. Everything is perfect now. Thank you very much !
    – maxshop
    Dec 11, 2018 at 16:08

1 Answer 1


Suggestion to consider for your my.cnf [mysqld] section

key_cache_age_threshold=7200  # from 300 seconds to reduce key_reads

since most of your tables are MyISAM to improve performance of your instance.

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