The monitoring system we use shows several servers, related to the same application servers, are out of disk space. The application owner stated they cleared Gigs of data but this change was not reflected.

$ df -h
Filesystem                          Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1                            59G   56G  554M 100% /storage

$ sudo du -hs /storage
56G    /storage

The difference between Size and Used indicates there should be some free space. A few posts recommended that a reboot would correct this issue but it's been over a month with no maintenance window.

Is there another way to to update the percentage to confirm the disk space is free?

Another site/post suggested looking for deleted files still held by a process. None of those found are in the mount in question.

sudo lsof +L1
tuned     1392 root    7u   REG  253,0     4096     0   8133 /tmp/*** (deleted)
gnome-she 5256  gdm   19u   REG  253,0    12288     0 701887 /tmp/*** (deleted)
pulseaudi 5693  gdm    6u   REG    0,4 67108864     0  32735 /memfd:*** (deleted)

1 Answer 1


I dont know which FS type you are using, but in ext3/ext4 there is a 5% of space that will get reserved for special processes so that they can continue to run when diskspace is running low.

Thats why you only have 56GB of usable space on your FS

  • 1
    Thanks for the reminder about the 5% reservation. I guess part of my real questions is: can I prove that the application manager deleted the data they said they did when it's not being reflected in available disk space.
    – RunThor
    Jan 2, 2019 at 21:22
  • Do you have a df -h prior to the application manager deleted that data? Jan 2, 2019 at 22:04
  • @RunThor can I prove that the application manager deleted the data they said they did - Why worry about proving them wrong from incomplete information. Ask them for the names of the file(s) they deleted, and go see if they exist? Perhaps they tried to delete something, and it didn't work? It would be far easier to check if you know something specific they think they removed.
    – Zoredache
    Jan 2, 2019 at 22:18
  • They also might have deleted data, while at the same time more data was also written elsewhere. Jan 3, 2019 at 0:46
  • @Zoredache I'll reach back out to see what they removed. Usually it comes down to files they transferred and forgot to delete or logs they aren't rotating.
    – RunThor
    Jan 3, 2019 at 17:19

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