I have multiple HTTP servers (IoT stuff) connected to a Raspberry Pi with a Nginx instance. I want to proxy the access to those servers through Nginx by using its IP address and multiple ports: -> ->

I have this configuration in Nginx which works:

server {
    listen  8080;
    location / {
        ..... extra config

However, I don't want to write a separate config entry for every possible address since there can be many and I have to add for each some extra config settings which I don't want to repeat. I know I can add multiple listen ports in the same server configuration, but is there any way to extract the port number and use it to rewrite the proxy_pass address?

1 Answer 1



An automatic port -> IP address mapping might work like this:

map $server_port $upstream {
    "~^80(?<dest>[0-9+])$"   192.168.2.$dest;

Here a regular expression capture is used to capture the latter part of port number into variable, and then the variable is used in the destination string.

I haven't tested this myself, but it should work.

First, you need to define a map in the http level, which maps port numbers to proxy endpoints:

map $server_port $upstream {

You might need to add a default line to the map.

Then, in the server level, you add the following:

listen 8080;
listen 8081;
listen 8082;

location / {
    proxy_pass http://$upstream;

This setup makes a single server block listen to multiple ports, and when using the mapped variable as proxy_pass destination, it will make nginx send the request to desired destination.

  • Thanks! This works well for my purpose. It would be perfect if the map could extract the numbers automatically (i.e. 8080 -> .....2.80), but it's still much better than repeating the server blocks.
    – rslite
    Feb 2, 2019 at 20:25
  • I added a possible automatic mapping rule to the answer. Feb 3, 2019 at 21:51
  • After trying different things I realized that the mapping works, but regex in maps is supported only in higher versions of nginx (not the one in the RPi's repositories). It worked after I compiled from the most recent sources. I wish listen would take ranges too :) Maybe in a future version.
    – rslite
    Feb 8, 2019 at 4:13

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