I have hosted both my angular(port no 4200) and node application(port no 3000) on the same EC2 instance. Both are currently accessible to anyone. I want to limit access to the Node application so that only Angular is able to connect with it and blocked for everyone else.

What I have already done:-

  1. EC2 security group inbound rule for port 3000 set to its own public IP xx.xx.xx.xx/32

  2. EC2 security group inbound rule for port 3000 set to its own private IP 172.xx.xx.xx/32

In both cases, I am getting timed out error from my node application.

OPTIONS http://xx.xx.xx.xx:3000 net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

1 Answer 1


If they are on the same instance you may want to refer to the NodeJS app from Angular as - that way the traffic stays completely inside the machine and won't traverse the AWS infrastructure at all.

See Localhost for more info.

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