I have a Route53 A record alias to my ELB for example.com (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/routing-to-elb-load-balancer.html)

and I'm trying to connect domain example.com to firebase hosting. (to use example.com as dynamic link domain)

And firebase setup tool asks me to create two A record example.com for two ip addresses.

Route 53 doesn't seem to allow me to have an alias A record and non-alias A record.

How to proceed from here?

1 Answer 1


The supported options are to point the domain only to Firebase (not any other service, like an ELB), or to use a subdomain or a different domain altogether.

To use a custom domain for Dynamic Links, the domain must point to Firebase Hosting. If you have a domain you want to use with Dynamic Links and the domain points to a different host, you can either move to Firebase Hosting or create a subdomain hosted by Firebase, which you can use for Dynamic Links.


  • gracious, you saved me
    – eugene
    Dec 3, 2019 at 9:09

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