I have a couple of Windows Server 2016 and 2019 boxes and wish to add some simple rules to the Windows Defender Firewall (e.g. RDP Port, FTP Ports, etc.), allowing a group of IP addresses. I'd prefer not to use Group Policy, but rather just the firewall itself. Is there a way to create a Group of IPs (e.g. 10 ip addresses), and apply the group to multiple rules in the firewall? That way, if any of the IP addresses change, I would only need to update the IP Group, and nothing else.

1 Answer 1


Power shell would be your best bet.

Check out this stack overflow article.


  • 1
    Thanks. But crazy that MS makes you jump through all these hoops just to setup a group of IPs to allow in the firewall.
    – VBStarr
    Apr 24, 2020 at 15:43

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