I have installed Redhat version 6 and 7 both.

Both have the same problem.

No IP address.

WHen I checked, no network interface also.

ip a s

only shows loopback adapter.

Any help?

I am able to see the network adapter and set static ip to ubuntu on the same hyper-v server

  • I had the same problem on Gen 2 HyperV (UEFI) VM, Oracle Linux 7. Less than minimal installation, after installing I had removed dhcp client also (I would use static IP only). Had to reinstall dhcp client and also run dracut to fix.
    – Krackout
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 11:05
  • can you share the steps you followed Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 12:24

1 Answer 1


The steps:
I reinstalled these packages:
yum install dhclient dhcp-common dracut-network
(I had also removed network-manager which is included on minimal installation, but it wasn't needed to be reinstalled in order to restore functionality)

Ran dracut -f after reinstallation, rebooted and the adapter was available once again. Yet it delayed a bit to appear, so I changed some systemd services to start after network.

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