So both of my testing VMs are on the same laptop and both of them are running Windows Server 2019 and both of them are on the same SSD. Basically, I need to test performance when the SQL database is on iSCSI disk in LAN network while the SSMS is on the local disk.

When I setup the machines and set their network adapter as bridged (needed it for something else) and ping each other I get average of less than 1ms which is, of course not desireable.

The issue is that I don't have any other PC with SSD so I can't transfer VM to other PC.

How can I make it proper testing environment - when the latency is around 50,60ms or something like that so it acts like other PC in the LAN network? Thanks in advance!

2 Answers 2


First of all, you could manage cloud-based VMs running your application and test performance on top of appropriate hardware.

As for the latency, you could simulate its low bandwidth, high latency environment. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/130354/how-do-i-simulate-a-low-bandwidth-high-latency-environment


I do not think you can. Hyper-V is not exactly a test environment - it is a production system.

Your best chance is not to bridge. Route. And put in a router VM that.... can do traffic shaping. Suddenly you can limit bandwidth. Not latency (that is highly problematic because it means the router/switch would need to cache everything for some time which may require a TON of memory, or would drop packets), but at least you can do traffic shaping.

This was discussed at MS some time ago: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/security/en-US/6abef4d6-62a7-4236-a95d-3968af830939/can-a-hyperv-machine-be-made-slower-andor-emulate-a-slow-network-connection?forum=virtualmachingmgrhyperv

same result - use a router. Though I would go with a Mikrotik, not a PfSense.

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