I'm registered for the Azure Files NFSv4 preview, and I cannot seem to find a way to mount NFS file shares on ACI. I have tried the following:

  1. Created a virtual network in eastus with two subnets, one specific to aci
  2. Changed NFS storage account networking to only allow connections from above vnet: image
  3. Deployed container with the following json:
       "type": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups",
       "apiVersion": "2019-12-01",
       "location": "eastus",
       "name": "nfs-test",
       "properties": {
         "osType": "Linux",
         "containers": [
             "name": "sshd",
             "properties": {
               "image": "boldidea.azurecr.io/ssh-test",
               "ports": [
                   "port": 22,
                   "protocol": "TCP"
               "resources": {
                 "requests": {
                   "cpu": 1,
                   "memoryInGB": 1.5
               "volumeMounts": [
                   "mountPath": "/mnt/user-storage",
                   "name": "user-storage"
         "volumes": [
             "azureFile": {
               "shareName": "ide-user-storage",
               "storageAccountKey": "(redacted)",
               "storageAccountName": "ideworkspacestoragenfs"
             "name": "user-storage"
         "imageRegistryCredentials": [
             "server": "(redacted)",
             "username": "(redacted)",
             "password": "(redacted)"
         "ipAddress": {
           "type": "Private",
           "ports": [
               "port": 22,
               "protocol": "TCP"
         "networkProfile": {
           "id": "/subscriptions/(redacted)/resourceGroups/ideResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkProfiles/aci-network-profile-ide-vnet-eastus-aci"

The deployment hangs for roughly 30 minutes before failing with the error "Failed to mount Azure File Volume". What am I doing wrong?

1 Answer 1


I went through this issue w/ Azure support, and finally got to the ACI team who confirmed that NFS is not currently supported on container instances.

  • What is the preferred way to mount blob storage from a storage account to a ACI container?
    – Jay K
    Oct 24, 2023 at 16:53

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