So my goal here is to run commands like get-adcomputer | Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptAll -AutoReboot

I want to get all of my AD computers and pipe the ComputerName to the ComputerName property in Install-WindowsUpdate. I tried a @foreach statement but it takes forever to run because it does them one at a time. I'm looking for it to do multiple computers at once.

Any ideas?

  • [1] that cmdlet is not a standard item. what module did you install? ///// [2] if the module is PSWindowsUpdate from the powershellgallery site, then the cmdlet has been remapped >>> New-Alias Install-WindowsUpdate Get-WindowsUpdate. if that is so ... then that command DOES NOT accept pipeline input. ///// [3] have you tried using Invoke-Command to run things in parallel?
    – Lee_Dailey
    Jan 5, 2021 at 22:58
  • it is PSWindowsUpdate. Do you have an example of using the Invoke-Command to run Install-WindowsUpdate using the computernames within the Get-ADcomputer output? Jan 6, 2021 at 14:45
  • i don't have anything other than my one home computer, so i can't test what you are working with. [sigh ...] ///// if you Read The Friendly Manual [grin], the instructions seem pretty clear on how to use the I-C cmdlet. the main gotcha is variable scope - and the easiest solution to that is the $Using: scope modifier. if that doesn't help, then i recommend you either do a search on examples for using I-C, OR that you try to find a support forum for that module. ///// good luck! [grin]
    – Lee_Dailey
    Jan 6, 2021 at 19:45

1 Answer 1


So what I ended up doing was creating a computers variable from Get-ADcomputer. I piped a select statement to grab the property "Name" and that did the trick. I then plugged the variable into the command:

$computer = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=Computers,DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com" -Filter 'Name -like "*vdi*"' | Select -ExpandProperty name
Get-windowsupdate -ComputerName $computer -AcceptAll -Install -AutoReboot

To make this work, you have to make sure all of the computers have PSWindowsUpdate installed, Enable-WURemoting and set-executionpolicy unrestricted, which i'm not thrilled about.

Hope this helps others out there.

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