I have my localhost webiste on http://macintosh.local - Testing my website also for IE on the same address in VMWare Fusion I tried some Apps from hanynet.com/applications/ like WaterRoof. Never managed to get it working though.

I realize I could do this just with a few command lines in Terminal.. Anyone knows how?

  • Too confusing, please state in the text what you want to achieve and what have you done so far?
    – Karolis T.
    Jan 25, 2010 at 15:09
  • I don't really see what's confusing.. I just want the bandwidth throttled on localhost, address I tried with some apps, now I would like to know the command lines. Thanks
    – Anton
    Jan 25, 2010 at 16:02

1 Answer 1


It might help to know why you want to throttle your bandwidth, especially on a localhost connection. Are you trying to emulate a slow connection?

You can do this with a pipe


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