This is a playbook part of a role that talks with vmware.
I'm is trying to set a custom fact (target_vm) that receive the virtual machine name.
But when I Print it's value with the debug module it apears to be empty.
It seams that the set_fact is correctly set because the debug output shows {"ansible_facts": {"target_vm": "TESTVM"}.
I've also made a Fail task that reveals if the target_vm fact is set or not.

This is the Playbook

- delegate_to: localhost
  become: no
  delegate_facts: yes
    vc_hostname: 'vcenter.bio.local'
    vc_username: 'bio.local\ansible'
    vc_password: "{{ v_pass }}"
    vm_uuid: '4217200F-46D2-C9FD-E7FD-768D21B327E8' | lower
    - name: Gather only registered virtual machines
        hostname: '{{ vc_hostname }}'
        username: '{{ vc_username }}'
        password: '{{ vc_password }}'
        validate_certs: False
        vm_type: vm
      delegate_to: localhost
      register: virtual_info
      no_log: true

  - name: Get VM name from UUID
      target_vm: "{{ my_item.guest_name }}"
    loop: "{{ virtual_info.virtual_machines }}"
    when: my_item.uuid == vm_uuid
      loop_var: my_item
    delegate_to: localhost
    delegate_facts: True
  - name: Verify interface name is set
      msg: "Could not determine target_vm name!"
    when: target_vm is not defined
  - name: Print Output
      msg: "The VM name is: {{ target_vm }}"

This is the output

TASK [vmwaretaks : Get VM name from UUID] ***************************************************************************************
ok: [testvm] => (item={'guest_name': 'TESTVM', 'guest_fullname': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 'power_state': 'poweredOn', 'ip_address': '', 'mac_address': ['00:32:52:97:e9:c8'], 'uuid': '4217200f-46d2-c9fd-e7fd-768d21b327e8', 'vm_network': {'00:32:52:97:e9:c8': {'ipv4': [''], 'ipv6': ['fe80::250:56ff:fe97:d4c3']}}, 'esxi_hostname': 'b3j15esx05.bio.local', 'cluster': 'JAS-Lab-DEP', 'attributes': {}, 'tags': []}) => {"ansible_facts": {"target_vm": "TESTVM"}, "ansible_loop_var": "my_item", "changed": false, "my_item": {"attributes": {}, "cluster": "JAS-Lab-DEP", "esxi_hostname": "b3j15esx05.bio.local", "guest_fullname": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)", "guest_name": "TESTVM", "ip_address": "", "mac_address": ["00:32:52:97:e9:c8"], "power_state": "poweredOn", "tags": [], "uuid": "4217200f-46d2-c9fd-e7fd-768d21b327e8", "vm_network": {"00:32:52:97:e9:c8": {"ipv4": [""], "ipv6": ["fe80::250:56ff:fe97:d4c3"]}}}}

TASK [vmwaretaks : Verify interface name is set] ********************************************************************************
fatal: [testvm]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Could not determine target_vm name!"}

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************
testvm              : ok=13   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0

1 Answer 1


You have delegate_facts: True on the set_fact task, so you are setting the variable for localhost. You are then attempting to access it in the context of the play host, which does not have it set.

You have to decide where you want to set it. If localhost is correct, you need to access it via hostvars (hostvars['localhost']['testvm']); if it's not, you need to remove delegate_facts.

  • You're wright @flowerysong. I was accessing the wrong way to the target_vm fact. The hostvars way makes the point. Thanks you for instruct me!
    – azk
    Sep 27, 2021 at 19:22

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