I am running a redis cluster helm install -n redis staging bitnami/redis-cluster in my k8s cluster and want to use this with a self hosted gitlab. In the docs I see I have to set

  install: false
    host: ???
    password: enabled
    key: secret
    secret: staging-redis-secret

My question is which host do I have to set, because everything is running in the same k8s cluster. Do I have to set the local IP like And if yes, the IP of which redis container as I am running 6 of them.

With that config I can run

helm install \
    gitlab gitlab/gitlab \
    --namespace gitlab \
    --version 5.2.3 \
    -f config.yaml

The secret is set by

kubectl create secret generic staging-redis-secret --from-literal=secret=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "redis" staging-redis-cluster -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}")

1 Answer 1


Kubernetes runs an internal DNS server called CoreDNS. This should take care of all kind of internal name resolution between pods/services. You should never really hardcode any static IP into a configuration file, as this IP might no longer exists next time you reboot the whole cluster.

Start using domain names for everything and stick to that.

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