I am using hyper-v as a hypervisor and installed ubuntu 21 on it.
There, whenever I start the VM, the eth0 (only one network interface connected,Default Switch of Hyper-v) is not getting IP and showing as down.
Please bare with my snaps, as I can't ssh to the machine to copy the output and paste here as text.
There is no /etc/network/interfaces file on my machine, as many forum questions modifying content on this file.
To make this network adapter up, I ran below command.
sudo ip link set eth0 up
Then, the network adapter is up now but without ip4 address.
To get ip address, I ran below command and it gets ip.
sudo dhclient eth0
Then, I get IPv4 address.
I need to do this every time I on the machine.
How to fix this?