
I have an old app running on EC2 classic box, and need to migrate it to a VPC. The old instance type is m1.small (Intel arch). I created an AMI for the server running the app, and tried to launch a new instance from it.

It only showed t1.micro and c3.large as available instance types. Everything else is grayed out.

I copied the AMI to the Ohio region and got no instance types available at all.

Is this a temporary capacity issue, or is there something wrong with my AMI that it won't run on a newer instance type?

  • m1.small is 1.7GB 1CPU instance. But m1 is not supported anymore (AFAIK). The closest is t2.small Aug 1, 2022 at 19:36
  • Wow, Classic EC2 still works?! It may be something to do with HVM vs PV images - you may be on the old type. I suggest you follow an AWS guide or documentation such as docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/vpc-migrate.html
    – Tim
    Aug 2, 2022 at 1:01
  • @Tim Yes, that was it. There just aren't that many instances available that support PV images. Thank you.
    – Shef
    Aug 3, 2022 at 15:27
  • Please put an answer into your question how you resolved that. I assume you found an instance that supports PV images? I suggest you convert over to HVM, though I have no idea how to do that myself. Search will find a way if it's possible, otherwise it may be a rebuild.
    – Tim
    Aug 3, 2022 at 19:17
  • @Tim There's really no resolution. If you have a PV image, you have to use one of the few available instance types, otherwise you have to create a new image from scratch, that is, start with a clean machine with a recent OS and reinstall all software.
    – Shef
    Aug 4, 2022 at 20:29

1 Answer 1


You should convert your PV based image to HVM. There's a guide on this page, or you can look at this answer.

In short the general steps (look at the links rather than using this):

  • Register the EC2 image (see the command below)
  • Create a new HVM instance
  • Attach disk images
  • Launch the server

AWS CLI Command

aws ec2 register-image --virtualization-type hvm


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