We have a server with 64GB of total RAM, applications are using typically a maximum of 30GB of that available RAM. One of those applications deals with a lot of flat files, and we're having throughput issues, namely waiting on disk I/O. While exploring possible solutions the idea of a RAM disk came up. The problem I have with a RAM disk is the inherent volatility.
I've found separate documentation on RAM disks, RAID 1 configuration, and Logical Mirrored Volumes to group physical disks, but I can't seem to find any documentation that suggests if either of these disk replication solutions can be used with a RAM disk. More importantly since the idea is to have the RAM disk be available for read/write, and have the physical disk "shadowing" the RAM disk, catching up with writes, we would want the RAM disk to be the "primary" disk for all reads/writes.
To note, we would like to avoid merely RAM caching the files with the OS, but if we can get the same performance as a stand-alone RAM disk, that could work. We initially avoided this since often times certain files will not be accessed for long periods of time, but still need the read/write speed on-demand.