(I've edited this to give the real URLs in case that is helpful)

Here's my situation:

  • I purchased phillyjazzduo.com through Cloudflare
  • I also have elipointer.com that was purchased through Bluehost and is hosted on Bluehost and is currently operational.

Here's what I need to do:

  • When a user goes to phillyjazzduo.com, I want them to be directed to elipointer.com/pointer-lenox

Here's the steps I took:

  • On Cloudflare I set up the following DNS records:

DNS Records Added

  • On Cloudflare, set up a page rule that forwards domain1.com/* to domain2.com/a_page:

Page Rule Forward Setup

I believe this tells the domain register (Cloudflare) what hosted server to point to for phillyjazzduo.com, and then tells it to take any traffic to phillyjazzduo.com/* and redirect it to elipointer.com/pointer-lenox.

Have I got it right? Anything I'm missing? So far I haven't gotten this to work completely. Everything works if I enter https://phillyjazzduo.com in the address bar, but if I enter www.phillyjazzduo.com or phillyjazzduo.com, I get the following: "Error: Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (19)"

Thank you for any help! I'm certainly new to this. :)

1 Answer 1


It looks like the page you're seeing Error: Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (19) is from your hosting provider, not Cloudflare. I think this is because they got a request for a domain (phillyjazzduo.com) they don't know.

You can solve this by making another page rule for www.phillyjazzduo.com.

You may also want to consider adding phillyjazzduo.com as an alias domain at your hosting provider. That way, you don't have to setup

  • 1
    Thank you so much! That did the trick and everything is working now. Jan 23, 2023 at 17:25

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