I am work at home (China mainland). After connected (via VPN) to the school IP, I got the permission to ssh my computer in campus, but cannot visit google.com. However, my computer in campus can visit the google.com.

In this case, can I use my computer in campus to provide VPN service for my local machine, under the condition that I have to first build another VPN in order to ssh my campus computer?

  • 2
    Yes, you can. Simplest is to run client with SOCKS5 proxy (ssh target.server -D proxyport) and configuring a browser to use that proxy on localhost, no need to any additional setup, but requires TCP port forwarding enabled on the server. Mar 23, 2023 at 3:26

1 Answer 1


Thanks to @Nikita Kipriyanov. I use the below commands and successfully visited google.com on local machine.

ssh my_name@server_ip -D 2222

And the using the Chrome extension SwichyOmega to set the SOCKS5 proxy server by filling the below info:

Server:  # i.e., the localhost
Port: 2222

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