Suppose there is a domain .example.com. I want to separate it into 2 parts eg:

*-new.example.com -----> IP1

such that all dns with suffix -new point to IP1

*-old.example.com -----> IP2

such that all dns with suffix -old point to IP2

I tried this but giving *-new.example.com in cloudfare is not sending the request to IP1

Is there a way that this can be achieved?


2 Answers 2


You can create page rules (up to 3 on the free tier) to do the matching.

Define a rule saying: If the URL matches: *-new.example.com then Forwarding URL: IP1

Here you will get some examples with more complex configs: https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/page-rules/recommended-page-rules-to-consider/


A DNS wildcard is the form *.example.com, the first label must be just * and nothing else.

*-new.example.com is not a DNS wildcard and won't work as such.

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