I need to use the following cmdlets from ExchangeOnline Powershell module with an unattended connection.

  • Get-QuarantineMessage
  • Preview-QuarantineMessage
  • Release-QuarantineMessage
  • Export-QuarantineMessage
  1. Following this first documentation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/exchange/app-only-auth-powershell-v2?view=exchange-ps, I created an Azure App registration with self-signed certificate, assigned the "Exchange.ManageAsApp" API permission, then grant consent.

  2. Then I created an Azure Security Group and add my application as a member of this group.

  3. Then I created a Custom Role in Microsoft 365 Defender portal following this documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/defender-for-identity/role-groups

  4. In this role, I added the following custom permission:

  • Email quarantine (manage)
  • Email advanced actions (manage) And Read-Only for Raw Data (Email & collaboration)
  1. And of course, I assigned my group created at step 2 to this new role

All of this allow me to use the first 2 cmdlets without any issue but I can't get access to the Export-QuarantineMessage and Release-QuarantineMessage.

We can list permissions needed for this cmdlet through those commands (from there: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/exchange/find-exchange-cmdlet-permissions?view=exchange-ps)

PS > $Perms = Get-ManagementRole -Cmdlet Export-QuarantineMessage
PS > $Perms | foreach {Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role $_.Name -Delegating $false | Format-Table -Auto Role,RoleAssigneeType,RoleAssigneeName}

Role           RoleAssigneeType RoleAssigneeName
----           ---------------- ----------------
Security Admin RoleGroup        Organization Management
Security Admin RoleGroup        SecurityAdmins_782500194

Role              RoleAssigneeType RoleAssigneeName
----              ---------------- ----------------
Transport Hygiene RoleGroup        Hygiene Management
Transport Hygiene RoleGroup        Organization Management

I tried this last command :

PS > Add-RoleGroupMember "Hygiene Management" -Member <name of the application created at step 1>

I can see my application member if I run :

PS > Get-RoleGroupMember "Hygiene Management"

But I still don't have access to the the Export-QuarantineMessage and Release-QuarantineMessage cmdlets.


I try the following https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/exchange/app-only-auth-powershell-v2?view=exchange-ps#assign-custom-exchange-online-role-groups-to-the-application-using-service-principals

  1. Creating a custom Exchange Role with "Transport Hygiene" + "Security Administrator"

  2. PS > $AadApp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString ""

    PS > New-ServicePrincipal -AppId $AadApp.AppId -ServiceId $AadApp.ObjectId -DisplayName "ServicePrincipal For my app"

    PS > $SP = Get-ServicePrincipal -Identity "ServicePrincipal For my app"

    PS > Add-RoleGroupMember -Identity "<role created a step 1>" -Member $SP.Identity

Without any luck.

UPDATE Changing my custom Exchange Role with only: -Mailbox Import Export -Mailbox Search -MailboxSearchApplication -Message Tracking -Transport Hygiene -View-Only Configuration -View-Only Recipients seems to work. I will let go the week-end to see if this is not another changes that take time to replicate on microsoft-side

  • Not familiar with Azure app, but if you want to manage the quarantine message you could refer to the permission mentioned in the following document: Manage quarantined messages and files as an admin - Office 365 | Microsoft Learnhttps://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files?view=o365-worldwide
    – Jayce
    May 1, 2023 at 2:58


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