I'm trying to share AWS EFS content using Samba (to use it on Windows based instances). The issue is that with some number of files per folder, Samba doesn't show all of them. I tried different linux distros and also dockerized Samba version. Here's a way to reproduce the issue:

  1. Mount EFS:
sudo mkdir -p /efs
sudo mount -t nfs4 fs-xxx.efs.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com:/ /efs
  1. Create 1K empty files there:
sudo mkdir /efs/1k
for i in {1..1000}; do sudo touch /efs/1k/$i; done
  1. Create a Samba share:
cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
path = /efs
browsable = yes
guest ok = yes
  1. Mount the share locally:
sudo mkdir -p /samba
sudo mount -t cifs -o guest //localhost/efs /samba
  1. Count files on EFS and the same files exposed by Samba
$ find /efs/1k -type f | wc -l
$ find /samba/1k -type f | wc -l
  • I've just tried it on the last AWS linux (2023) and found the issue is still there
    – imbolc
    May 28, 2023 at 10:48
  • Encountered the same issue with EFS and Samba. Still relevant. Indeed reproducible with steps described by @imbolc
    – M255
    Apr 15 at 12:14


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