I have an http software that let people be logged and download data according to sent bytes. It's an infinite download until connection stopped. I want to know the time for each download.

The connection is like that:

  • Curl start login with header/user etc
  • HTTP server answer and start connection
  • curl send bytes -> the server answer each times

Before, I were using only curl -so /dev/null -w '%{time_total}\n' http://my-ip.com:port/something -u login:passwd to know the total time, but it's only for the connection, not really the actual latency as real users could have, so it's not what I want.

I tried something like that:

curl http://my-ip.com:port/something -u login:passwd --header "Connection: Keep-Alive;User-Agent: curl;<omitted output>" --output "<output file>"


  • omitted output correspond to internal values
  • output file correspond to the answered data by the server

But the -w 'thing' filter no longer works, as the request never finished. How can I make it works to get the latency each time I get answer?


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