I'm running a self hosted RKE2 (rancher) kubernetes cluster (1.27) and longhorn (1.4.2) and I need some help for the correct configuration. I'm deploying some database stuff via helm, like mongoDB, redis, postgres and minio. Every database ca be deployed by it's own without a problem. But if I try to run every helm chart, randomly some deployment fail with an attachement error of the PVC:
AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-0b5bd219-b009-4877-96dd-3c0e7549533d" : rpc error: code = Aborted desc = volume pvc-0b5bd219-b009-4877-96dd-3c0e7549533d is not ready for workloads
The PVC is existing and bound. And after removing every helm deployment and doing it again it works and another database has the same error.
I didn't have any specific configuration and maybe this is the problem:
defaultFsType: xfs