I'm clearing a drive with dd
. It's a USB device and 120GB and it's taking a very long time:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=1M status=progress
I have tried messing with the block size (smaller and larger values bs=4M
, bs=8M
, etc) but nothing seems to make much of a difference. It's writing at about 7000 kB/s
which is painfully slow.
I do not care about "securely" wiping the data I just want it wiped so I can re-establish the partition structure and filesystem from scratch. Is there an alternate way (using standard utilities) that can perform a quick (within a minute or two) wipe for this type of scenario? The device I'm working on is FreeBSD but I think the dd command (and gpart, etc) work similarly between it and Linux.
has significant differences from the GNUdd
used on most Linux systems. None of those differences are likely to matter for your use case though.