We need to block Logitech Unifying dongles now that it's public knowledge you can both sniff\decrypt keystrokes, and also inject keystrokes.

Is there an easy way to block these common dongles with GPO or InTune?

All I have so far is a PowerShell script to disable devices but this would have to be run after the device is plugged in, which is reactive and not preventative.

# Disable Unifying receivers
Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName "Logitech*" -Class 'Mouse' | Disable-PnpDevice -confirm:$false

1 Answer 1


The hardware ID for Unifying Receiver I am seeing is USB\VID_046D&PID_C52B. This can be used as "Hardware ID" and device GUID. They both appear to refer to the same string.

Following the Microsoft guidance on GPO

We can block devices by Hardware Ids.

Under Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > Device Installation the policy to blacklist is Prevent installation of devices that match these device IDs

Following the Microsoft guidance on InTune

We can block devices by class GUID of the device classes.

Under Templates > Administrative Templates the policy to blacklist is Prevent installation of devices that match any of these device IDs

// TODO: I need to update this policy to include all affected devices listed on MouseJack. If I don't update this answer with all the hardware IDs, please feel free to add ones for me in either a comment or an edit.

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