I have one master and one worker and 10 namespaces in k8s. I want to create and assign subnet to each namespace using by pods. for example I want to create and assign to namespace 1, create and assign to namespace 2 and...

I played with network policies but it did not any results. How can I do this?


1 Answer 1


Kubernetes itself doesn't offer such a functionality natively to map namespaces to pod CIDR ranges.

Network policies define ingress/egress rules for pods and not CIDR ranges for namespaces.

The closest solutions I could think of:

  1. CNI-specific solution like Calico IPAM.

https://docs.tigera.io/calico/latest/networking/ipam/ https://docs.tigera.io/calico/latest/reference/configure-cni-plugins#using-kubernetes-annotations

  1. Making use of the fact that different nodes will have different pod IP ranges, and scheduling selected pods to run on specific node(s). Not something I'd recommend.


  1. Making use of the fact that static pods and daemonset pods will have the IP address of the node they are running on. Again, not something I'd recommend.

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