Power BI Reporting Services in Forest1-DomainA (location F1-A).
User accounts are in Forest2-DomainA (location F2-A).
F1-A trusts F2-A. The VDI/RDS where the users login are in F1-A, the service is in F1-A. The URL is pbi.example.com, and from the VDI/RDS resolves to the Windows Server 2022 machine hosting the PBI service. On the Windows Server 2022 AD computer account we created the SPN http/pbi.example.com.
Logon with a user from the F1-A domain (as a test), works as expected. I see the Kerberos tickets. Logon with a user from F2-A, things go wrong. The Wireshark capture shows the server where the PBI service runs is attempting to discover the PBI service in F2-A, instead of F1-A. The PBI service account is in the F1-A domain.
Can the service be configured to look in its own F1-A instead of the user's F2-A? At least I guess this is why this happens.
Any help on this subject appreciated!! Thanks!