Ended up adding a disk to a DS3400 array. Unfortunately it's been going for nearly 3 days now.

Is there a way through CLI or otherwise that I can actually see what the completed percentage is?

Thank you.

  • How large is the existing array? I'm guessing its using RAID5 Feb 24, 2010 at 6:20

3 Answers 3


Have you got the IBM DS Storage Manager software installed? That's used to manage the IBM DS disk systems, and shows a progress bar during an array rebuild. It works just fine with our DS4300.

  • unfortunately not the case with the 3400.
    – romant
    Feb 26, 2010 at 4:22

Yes, you can query the progress using the SMcli command line utility:

SMcli -n <subsystemName> show logicalDrive [“<logicalDriveName>”] actionProgress;

Which should return something along the lines of:

Logical Drive logicalDriveName
Action: Reconstruction
Percent Complete: 74%

References: IBM System Storage DS3000, DS4000, and DS5000: Command Line Interface and Script Commands Programming Guide.


Yea you can see progress bar on DS4xxx and DS5xxx series but somehow IBM/LSI figured out that you don`t need it on DS3400...

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