I am trying to start xampp when the ubuntu starts on ubuntu 9.10. I tried going to system->preferences->startup applications adding it there, but it didn't work. I surmised it was because it needs to be started as root. I know you can make a startup script some how, but I'm not sure how to do it. How can I make it start xampp when the computer boots, even without logging in?

FYI, the command for starting it is sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

1 Answer 1


You will need to add it to the startup scripts. This may help http://www.apachefriends.org/en/faq-xampp-linux.html#fsl

  • it says to do egrep :initdefault: /etc/inittab but when i do that it says no such file or directory
    – The.Anti.9
    Commented May 10, 2010 at 3:49
  • I tried adding the things to init.d and restarted the server, but it still didn't start.
    – The.Anti.9
    Commented May 10, 2010 at 4:05
  • according to embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/…, you can't just add a script to the init.d directory. $ chmod +x SCRIPT_NAME $ update-rc.d SCRIPT_NAME defaults Commented May 14, 2010 at 20:20

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