I have this strange problem where I create a database in MySQL and I need to restart mysqld but I can't seem to do it with info the MySQL docs. Then, I kill it from the Task Manager and I can't restart it. When I look at the process, it is run by the SYSTEM, rather than me. When I run mysqld it starts the process by me, not the SYSTEM. Am I shutting it down incorrectly? IS there a way to start this daemon as the SYSTEM?

1 Answer 1


Use the Service-Dialog

  Right-Click Computer -> Manage -> Service and Application -> Service

And restart the service from there.

Or net stop|start mysql should work on all Windows OSs, and on newer Server-Versions there's a dedicated tool: sc stop|start|query mysql.

  • Alternately: Start -> Run -> services.msc Commented Jun 8, 2010 at 14:36
  • Thanks! I think I knew that, but was stuck thinking about the command line. Cheers.
    – enesviem
    Commented Jun 8, 2010 at 14:55

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