How can you replace all symbolic-links in a directory (and children) with their targets on Mac OS X? If the target is not available, I'd prefer to leave the soft link alone.
3 Answers
If you are using mac OSX aliases, then find . -type l
won't come up with anything.
You can use the following [Node.js] script to move/copy the targets of your symlinks to another directory:
fs = require('fs')
path = require('path')
sourcePath = 'the path that contains the symlinks'
targetPath = 'the path that contains the targets'
outPath = 'the path that you want the targets to be moved to'
fs.readdir sourcePath, (err,sourceFiles) ->
throw err if err
fs.readdir targetPath, (err,targetFiles) ->
throw err if err
for sourceFile in sourceFiles
if sourceFile in targetFiles
targetFilePath = path.join(targetPath,sourceFile)
outFilePath = path.join(outPath,sourceFile)
console.log """
Moving: #{targetFilePath}
to: #{outFilePath}
# if you don't want them oved, you can use fs.cpSync instead
Here are versions of chmeee's answer that uses readlink
and will work properly if there are spaces in any filename:
New filename equals old link name:
find . -type l | while read -r link
target=$(readlink "$link")
if [ -e "$target" ]
rm "$link" && cp "$target" "$link" || echo "ERROR: Unable to change $link to $target"
# remove the ": # " from the following line to enable the error message
: # echo "ERROR: Broken symlink"
New filename equals target name:
find . -type l | while read -r link
target=$(readlink "$link")
# using readlink here along with the extra test in the if prevents
# attempts to copy files on top of themselves
new=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$link")/$(basename "$target")")
if [ -e "$target" -a "$new" != "$target" ]
rm "$link" && cp "$target" "$new" || echo "ERROR: Unable to change $link to $new"
# remove the ": # " from the following line to enable the error message
: # echo "ERROR: Broken symlink or destination file already exists"
@balupton: Run it in a directory that includes symlinks in it or its subdirectories. "I can't get it to work" tells me nothing at all. What did you try? What did you expect the outcome to be? How did the actual outcome differ from you expectations? What error messages did you receive? What is the environment (OS, shell, etc.)? Commented Apr 22, 2012 at 15:27
Seems my problem is that I have OSX Aliases instead of symlinks:… - so
find . -type l
doesn't work... Haven't found a solution yet...– baluptonCommented Apr 22, 2012 at 15:51
You didn't say what names the files should have after the replacement.
This script considers the replaced links should have the same names they had as links.
for link in `find . -type l`
target=`\ls -ld $link | sed 's/^.* -> \(.*\)/\1/'`
test -e "$target" && (rm "$link"; cp "$target" "$link")
If you want the files to have the same name as the target, this should do.
for link in `find . -type l`
target=`\ls -ld $link | sed 's/^.* -> \(.*\)/\1/'`
test -e "$target" && (rm $link; cp "$target" `dirname "$link"`/`basename "$target"`)