I'm trying to install PHP on Windows 7 Home Premium using these instructions:

Using FastCGI to Host PHP Applications on IIS 7

and a 1/3 of the way down on the page I have to do this:

 Server Manager -> Roles -> Add Role Services

and just cannot find Roles or Role Services. Any ideas?

PHP is giving me a 500 error and I'm wondering if it's because I haven't done this role services thing.

1 Answer 1


That article is expecting you to be using a server OS, e.g. Windows Server 2008. You're not, so the equivalent on a home OS is - Control Panel -> Program and Features -> Turn Windows features on and off (left sidebar).

EDIT: upon further reading of the article, it actually tells you that anyway :) Here's the link + anchor.

EDIT #2: You might also want to consider using the Microsoft Web Platform Installer instead, which will install and configure PHP on IIS for you.

  • +1 Use the Web Platform installer, especially for PHP stuff, it's awesome ^^ Jun 15, 2010 at 16:20

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