We are using Smarter Mail system. Recently, we found that hacker had hacked some user accounts and sent out lots of spams. We have firewall to ratelimit the sender, but for the following email, the firewall couldn't do this because of the empty FROM address. Why an empty FROM address is consider OK? Actually, in our MTA(surgemail), we can see the sender in the email header. Any idea?
11:17:06 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] rsp: 220 mail30.server.com
11:17:06 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] connected at 6/16/2010 11:17:06 AM
11:17:06 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] cmd: EHLO ulix.geo.auth.gr
11:17:06 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] rsp: 250-mail30.server.com Hello [xx.xx.xx.xx] 250-SIZE 31457280 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 250 OK
11:17:06 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] cmd: AUTH LOGIN
11:17:06 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] rsp: 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
11:17:07 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] rsp: 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
11:17:07 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] rsp: 235 Authentication successful
11:17:07 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] Authenticated as [email protected]
11:17:07 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] cmd: MAIL FROM:
11:17:07 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] rsp: 250 OK <> Sender ok
11:17:07 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] cmd: RCPT TO:[email protected]
11:17:07 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] rsp: 250 OK <[email protected]> Recipient ok
11:17:08 [xx.xx.xx.xx][15459629] cmd: DATA