I've previously used a great script on a Linux servers to report on all sorts of security issues.

It generates a comprehensive list of potential security flaws on the machine including:

  1. out of date software / bugs
  2. open ports
  3. incorrect privileges

And it summarises everything in a report along with suggested fixes.

Problem is I cann't remember the name of the script or where to find it?

Any clues?! J

  • I'm guessing there is no right answer to this question, so all reasonable answers get up-votes - but I'll hold out from closing the question until I see an answer with the name of the script I used (which I'll recognise once I see it).
    – Joel
    Jul 31, 2010 at 10:13
  • It would help if you tell us the format of the report, text? html? pdf?
    – chmeee
    Jul 31, 2010 at 11:19
  • @chmee - as I recall, just text output on the command line.
    – Joel
    Aug 21, 2010 at 18:15

2 Answers 2


chkrootkit and rkhunter are excellent choices, both being just shell scripts.

Then there are other security tools, such as Nessus , Prelude, tripwire and aide.

  • Just what I was going to suggest - IME both required some knowledge / research to use on a production system due to false positives (particularly with 'hidden processes'). Nikto (cirt.net/nikto2) is handy for webservers. And Snort for network IDS
    – symcbean
    Jul 31, 2010 at 21:56

Maybe you are talking about Lynis, which is a security and system auditing tool. Tiger is a similar tool.

There is also Bastille Unix that lets you harden as you analyze.

EDIT: If it is none of the above, maybe is one of these other three (less known).

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