Hi in my development machine I want to completely turn off caching (all types) for php. No matter what I try IIS 7 is still caching and it really drives me crazy!

3 Answers 3


OK, this may be a late response, but i had a similar problem, that it turns out was caused by a PHP accelerator called wincache.

just comment out this line in php.ini [PHP_WINCACHE] ;extension=php_wincache.dll


Took me a while to find this:

Output Caching

Click on "Edit Feature Settings..." Uncheck Enable cache and Enable kernel cache

Application Pools

Select your pool and click "Recycling..." Check "Fixed number of requests" Set to 1

This will force flush all caching.


Check if you have the below mentioned entry in your applicationHost.config file.

    <caching enabled="true" enableKernelCache="true">

Change the true to false and you should be good..

From UI,

Click on the Web Site -> Output Caching click on Edit Feature Settings... uncheck Enable cache and Enable kernel cache

  • both unchecked and set to false, still caching. my php file is so simple it just echo "somestring" but still caching about 1 minute.
    – user50154
    Aug 4, 2010 at 10:23
  • if those parameters are false.. then i would check if PHP caching is enabled in the application.. check this article blogs.iis.net/bills/archive/2006/10/31/PHP-on-IIS.aspx Aug 4, 2010 at 12:12

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