I have an issue with the web interface for Sympa mailing list server. If you try to download an attachment from a message that's in moderation, the file is zero length. The mime headers are being sent correctly.

The attachment is in the raw email, I can confirm this, as when the mail is archived the attachment is available, same is the case if you forward the message on to an external address. I have also found the raw email in the spool directory and confirmed the multi part message exists.

I am looking for some advice on where I should be looking. I am not a PERL developer, but have years experience with other languages. I can only assume that this should be a configuration issue. I am just not sure if I should be looking at the FASTCGI config or the Sympa config.

Any help or ideas will be much appreciated.

More info;

  • I have a few different installations of Sympa on different servers and have the same issue on each.
  • I am running an older version of Sympa (It's the current one in Debian 5) and it's not really an option for this client to maintain their own packages.
  • This is only when you are moderating a message. All other times the attachments are not zero length.
  • Max file attachments are set to 5MB, I am testing with a PDF attachment of ~80K.

Version Information

  • Apache 2 + FastCGI
  • Perl: 5.10.0
  • Sympa: 5.3.4
  • Debian 5.0.5 (2.6.26-2-xen-686)

1 Answer 1


Turrs out this is a bug within Sympa and has been fixed. However didn't seem to make it into the Debian package. Have patched this manually. See this for details.

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