A friends of mine have a shared hosting with many sites hosted. There is ruby on rails, php, xslt/xml sites using mysql or postgress. Today one of the xslt sites displays this error:

Passenger error #2
An error occurred while trying to access '..../config/environment.rb': Cannot stat '..../config/environment.rb': Permission denied (13)
Apache doesn't have read permissions to that file. Please fix the relevant file permissions.

This is, as I Know, a ruby error (*.rb), but there is no ruby app here! And no any config/ catalogue. The error log says:

(13)Permission denied: /home/..../.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

The .htaccess file in the htdocs directory is present and have 777 permission for now. I haven't any idea what does it mean.

2 Answers 2


Set 'PassengerEnabled off'.

  • You would do this in the vhost config for the site that's failing.
    – Bill Weiss
    Oct 1, 2010 at 21:16

That looks like an error message from mod_ruby (Phusion Passenger) in your apache install. mod_ruby runs as the owner of /your/ruby/app/config/environment.rb by default.

can you post your httpd.conf, or at least the mod_ruby bits?

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