I need to install some extra modules like:
sudo pecl install apc
sudo pecl install memcache
But the pecl program is not installed. Supposedly, I can install it by installing the php-devel package with yum, but yum insists on installing the PHP package too. I've already compiled and installed my own version of PHP from source and don't want/need the packaged version.
How do I get APC and memcache on here?
Configuration options:
./configure --enable-fastcgi --enable-fpm --with-mcrypt --with-zlib --enable-mbstring --disable-pdo --with-mysqli with-gd --with-json --with-tidy --with-curl --disable-debug --with-pic --disable-rpath --enable-inline-optimization --with-bz2 --with-xml --with-zlib --enable-sockets --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-soap --enable-pcntl --enable-bregex --with-mhash --enable-xslt --enable-zip --with-pcre-regex --with-pspell
OK, found the command, but now when I run it I'm getting:
/usr/local/bin/pecl install apc
Sorry, I was not able to successfully run APXS. Possible reasons: 1. Perl is not installed; 2. Apache was not compiled with DSO support (--enable-module=so); 3. 'apxs' is not in your path. Try to use --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs The output of /var/tmp/pear-build-root/APC-3.0.19/n follows /tmp/pear/temp/APC/configure: line 3431: /var/tmp/pear-build-root/APC-3.0.19/n: No such file or directory configure: error: Aborting ERROR: `/tmp/pear/temp/APC/configure --with-apxs=n' failed
Perl is installed. I'm not planning to use Apache since I want to try Engine-X (I choose no to the Apache question). And what is apxs??