Some script kiddie in Delhi, India has been trying to hack our site since last night. He wrote a browser script that makes requests of our server in massive nested loops, trying everything under the sun.
He's not getting anywhere, and isn't getting past even our basic defenses (but he is filling up our log files).
We're sending back a 403 Unauthorized
to his requests almost as soon as they come in, but the faster we block his requests, the faster his script runs.
We would like to introduce a "delay" of some sort before sending back the 403 response. The longer, the better.
Question: How can we delay hack attempts without affecting the rest of the site?
- I assume that a Sleep(15000) on his thread would be bad news for other site visitors.
- Spinning up a new thread just for him seems like overkill.
- Is there another way to send a delayed response?
- How long can we force his browser to wait? I suppose I don't care much if he gets the
403 Unauthorized
error or eventually times out, so we could probably even do an indefinite / infinite wait.